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Growl Notification

Requires JavaScript


Surface application messaging about page-level or out-of-view events.

Growl screen: default variant
Growl screen: error variant
Growl screen: warning variant
Growl screen: success variant
Growl screen: modal variant
Modal / Prompt
Growl screen: all variants
Multiple viewable


Trigger sample Notifications:

Refer to JavaScript Guidance for behaviorial details.


Growl Notifications are styled with class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--[VARIANT]".


For events of lower relative importance, or for generic use.

<div class="fsa-growl-container">
  <div class="fsa-growl" id="UNIQUE-ID-AC598060D7502E9E" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="0" role="dialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss" type="button" title="Close Notification" aria-label="Close Notification"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">Something happened</h2>
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>You're probably just fine.</p>
      <p class="fsa-level">
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">OK</button>


When things go wrong.

<div class="fsa-growl-container">
  <div class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--error" id="UNIQUE-ID-832353AD65DB511B" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="0" role="dialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss" type="button" title="Close Notification" aria-label="Close Notification"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">Growl title</h2>
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>Message goes here if you like or something, <a href="/link.html">with a link</a> if necessary.</p>
      <p>And another line here for kicks.</p>
      <p class="fsa-level">
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">Button</button>
        <a class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" href="/link.html">Button link</a>


For events that require user attention.

<div class="fsa-growl-container">
  <div class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--warning" id="UNIQUE-ID-BC33C95AA75A8E1C" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="0" role="dialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss" type="button" title="Close Notification" aria-label="Close Notification"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">Growl title</h2>
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>Message goes here if you like or something, <a href="/link.html">with a link</a> if necessary.</p>
      <p>And another line here for kicks.</p>
      <p class="fsa-level">
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">Button</button>
        <a class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" href="/link.html">Button link</a>


For reporting of a successful end of an operation or action.

<div class="fsa-growl-container">
  <div class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--success" id="UNIQUE-ID-8A386E512C033F57" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="0" role="dialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss" type="button" title="Close Notification" aria-label="Close Notification"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">Growl title</h2>
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>Message goes here if you like or something, <a href="/link.html">with a link</a> if necessary.</p>
      <p>And another line here for kicks.</p>
      <p class="fsa-level">
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">Button</button>
        <a class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" href="/link.html">Button link</a>

To prompt users before further action or operation may proceed.

More often displayed as fsa-growl--error, though other style variants (e.g. Default, Warning, Success) may be contextually appropriate.

Growl screen: modal variant
<div class="fsa-whiteout" tabindex="-1" id="fsa-whiteout" aria-hidden="true"></div>

<div class="fsa-growl-container fsa-growl-container--centered">
  <div class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--error fsa-growl--centered" id="UNIQUE-ID-9469E21387FAF609" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="0" role="alertdialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss whiteout-dismiss" type="button"><img class="fsa-growl__close-icon" src="/fsa-design-system/img/close.svg" alt="close"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">Growl Title</h2>
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>Message goes here if you like or something, <a href="/link.html">with a link</a> if necessary.</p>
      <p>And another line here for kicks.</p>
      <p class="fsa-level">
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss whiteout-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">Button</button>
        <a class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" href="/link.html">Button link</a>


Icons can optionally be used to used to heighten or clarify each Notification message.

<div class="fsa-growl-container">
  <div class="fsa-growl fsa-growl--success" id="UNIQUE-ID-2345thsdfmofa" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="0" role="dialog">
    <div class="fsa-growl__hd">
      <button class="fsa-growl__close" data-behavior="growl-dismiss" type="button" title="Close Notification" aria-label="Close Notification"></button>
      <h2 class="fsa-growl__title">
        <svg class="fsa-icon fsa-icon--size-2" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm-2 15l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 14.17l7.59-7.59L19 8l-9 9z"></path>
        With optional icon
    <div class="fsa-growl__bd">
      <p>Message goes here if you like or something, <a href="/link.html">with a link</a> if necessary.</p>
        <button data-behavior="growl-dismiss" class="fsa-btn fsa-btn--small fsa-btn--secondary" type="button">Button</button>



  • When the application needs to provide real-time messaging to the User about a page-level event, out-of-view event, or background processes.
  • When the application requires a message to appear and have the User take action to dismiss.
  • When the application displays non-critical information that won’t disrupt a workflow.

Don’t Use

  • When displaying error messages paired with specific form fields, use Form Field States
  • When displaying messages related to specific components on the current view, consider an Inline Alert

General Guidance

  • The control element that triggers the Growl shall utilize an aria-controls parameter that matches the ID of the Growl.
  • Growl Notifications should be used to help provide guidance and information related to application state, processing, and events.

JavaScript Guidance


Growl Notifications’ HTML and its content are typically injected into a page when an app requires its use. For the purposes of this demonstration, they already exist (hidden) in the HTML idle until an action calls for its state to change (show).

Show Growl

  • Set aria-hidden attribute to false
  • Trap keydown event to set Tab Order
  • Set focus of cursor to Growl

Dismiss Growl

  • Add fsa-growl--dismissing class
  • Set aria-hidden attribute to true
  • Remove aria-expanded attribute from element that triggered Growl
  • Set focus to the element that initially triggered the Notification


All JavaScript included in the Design System's CSS Framework, fsa-style, are not approved for Production use. Their role is purely for demonstration purposes only, providing development teams with the inspiration, reference, and guidance to fully implement a component's UI behavior.

Script demonstrations are primarily UI-oriented, typically manipulating the HTML in basic ways (i.e. DOM Scripting). Two frequent examples:

  • Adding and/or removing a class, e.g. addClass('component-name--active')
  • Adding and/or removing an attribute, e.g. setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false')
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